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Paternity Attorney

Get Help With Your Paternity Case Today

Paternity cases and disputes are never easy but an attorney can help. When you are trying to find out if you are the father of a child so you can establish your parental rights, you need an attorney on your side that will fight for you and help you through the tough times. The attorneys at the Lorenz and Creed Law Firm can help.

How Is Paternity Established?

If you want to find out if you are the father of a child or prove your paternity so you can set up a custody plan or visitation, you will need to establish paternity. This can be done with a simple DNA test. In some cases you may need to have paternity enforced or have the DNA test ordered by the courts. In this type of situation, it is a good idea to hire an attorney to assist you with your case.

How Can An Attorney Help Me?

Your attorney can help you by making sure you have a chance to prove your paternity and accompanying you to court. Your attorney will also ensure that if your paternity is proven, you have the right to see your child. You may want to petition the court for visitation or custody and your attorney can assist you with those aspects of your case as well.

Call An Experienced Family Law Attorney Today

If you believe you are the father of a child and want to establish paternity of that child, you should contact an experienced family law attorney for help. You don’t have to deal with something as stressful and challenging as a paternity case on your own. There is an attorney who is waiting to help you. Call the Lorenz and Creed Law Firm today at 910-695-8688.