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Parental Relocation Attorney

Call An Attorney For Help With Your Parental Relocation Case

When child custody is an issue and one parent wants to move, an attorney can help. In many cases one parent will want to move to a new location and take the child or continue custody arrangements while the other parent may be opposed to those new arrangements. If you are going through this situation or a similar one, you may want to call an attorney at the Lorenz & Creed Law Firm.

Can I Relocate With My Children?

There are some situations where a parent can or cannot relocate with children. Whenever there is a custody agreement set up and one parent decides to move, the other parents feelings and opinions are considered. One parents cannot simply take a child or children away from the other, and an attorney should be consulted to work out the details of a relocation and help both parents come to an agreement.

What If I Don’t Want My Children Relocated?

If the other parent is trying to relocate with your children and you do not want that to happen, you attorney can help. You have a right to see and have custody of your children and if another parent wants to relocate, your attorney will help you come up with a custody or visitation solution that meets your needs and desires.

Get Help From A Family Law Attorney Today

If you are struggling with a child custody situation or if you or the other parent wants to relocate, the Lorenz & Creed Law Firm can help you come up with a custody agreement. You don’t have to deal with such a stressful situation on your own, there is an attorney waiting to help. Call 910-695-8688 today.